Mr. Wang said that one of his friends, who owns his own company, had lost all of his accumulated earnings from years of stock market investments and half the principal that he originally put into the market. 王佳沧表示,他的一个开公司的朋友将多年来从股市赚的钱全赔进去了,还损失了一半的本金。
It represents the accumulated earnings over the years from our business operation after all obligations are met. 他代表了公司运营这些年的累积,是所有负债都偿还了之后的余额。
The domestic economy may have faltered since that date but the push to internationalise will continue and may even accelerate as Chinese firms use their accumulated foreign exchange earnings to make acquisitions, at bargain prices, in devalued world markets. 自那以后,中国国内经济发展可能已经步履蹒跚,但随着中国企业利用其外汇利润在贬值的世界市场上进行廉价收购,中国的国际化进程将会继续,甚至可能加速。
Unlike single proprietorships and partnerships, corporations must report paid-in equity capital separately from accumulated earnings, called retained earnings. 与独资和合伙不同,公司必须把缴入的业主权资本与累积的盈利分开报告,其累积的盈利称为“留存收益”。
Thus, the amount of retained earnings at any balance sheet date represents the accumulated earnings of the company since the date of incorporation, minus any losses, and minus all dividends. 因此,在任何一个资产负债表编表日,留存收益都代表从公司注册日开始累计的收益,减损失,再减股利之后的数额。
Through the financial viability of net cash flow and accumulated earnings capital analysis index, to inspect the project financial viability. 通过财务生存能力分析项目净现金流量和累计盈亏资金等分析指标,来考察项目的财务生存能力。